The brains behind the Apple brand, the man who built the brand to what it is today, Steven Jobs, has announced that he is stepping down as CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of Apple. He has decided to not be involved in it's daily operations but will take over as chairman and Tim Cook is now the Chief Executive. While some may say he is stepping down because of health reasons, there really should not be a big "WHOO-HUH" because he will still have input in the company. This is where i will stress team work again, for a company to be sucessful, there has to be a team work and in this case we should not assume that Jobs did everything alone at the company and think Cook will not do a good job. He will surely not be Steve Jobs but he will do a damn good job, his way.
Former COO (Chief Operating Officer) of Apple now CEO of Apple, let's put a face to the name Tim Cook. Here you go!